This course will be held from Wednesday 28th May to Friday 30th May in the Clinical Neuroscience Lecture Theatre, Lower ground, 33 Queen Square, London WC1N 3B
The Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy Serine trial (SENSE trial) Identifier: NCT06113055
The Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy Serine trial (SENSE trial) is open to recruitment. This is a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of L-serine in Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy type 1 (HSN1) due to variants in SPTLC1/2 gene.
This is a single-centre study being conducted at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London UK. The Chief Investigator for this trial is Professor Mary M Reilly. If you have any affected patients who you think may interested in taking part then please invite them to contact the trial team for further information.
Recruitment will close August 2024.
Members are encouraged to participate in a genome-wide association study of CIDP. Brief details can be found HERE
Following on from the successful BPNS instigated study of GBS linked to COVID-19 infection - whhich found no evidence that COVID is a significant trigger for GBS, te society is now encouraging a similar collaborative study of GBS following COVID vaccination (any vaccine). Details can be found in the members pages - HERE (login to access)
BPNS face-to-face outpatient policy
Agreed at BPNS AGM, 6 November 2020, amended 16 January 2021. The latest version of this policy can now be found in the new 'Policies' page under 'About' on the society home page.
The BPNS sees no reason for any patient with any peripheral nerve disease to avoid having any of the COVID-19 vaccines. A commentary on the topic my Mike Lunn can be found HERE. An information sheet giving the Societys official view for concerned patients is HERE.
BPNS members have contributed to an important study led by Stephen Keddie and Mike Lunn showing no association between COVID-19 and GBS. <Link>
The COVID-19 epidemic raises some questions for patients being treated for neuromuscular disease. The following documents and links may help:
Guidance regarding immunosuppression - (Mike Lunn / Queen Square)
A top quality international master class in peripheral nerve biology and disease based in Milan, Italy. The course involves five separate modules each of one week duration spread throughout a year.
The BPNS is delighted to announce the Richard Hughes bursaries in honour of Professor Richard Hughes, the first president of the BPNS. These comprise up to three travel bursaries a year, two to help fund a trainee to travel to the international Peripheral Nerve Society (up to £500 each) and one (up to £300) to attend the Spring meeting of the Association of British Neurologists (ABN).
BPNS Autumn Meeting
2-yearly teaching course with lectures and small group teaching on the clinical neurology of peripheral nerve disorders
BPNS Spring Meeting
If you are not a member, but would like to receive information regarding our meetings, please click here.